Saturday, September 26, 2009

FAQ - Please Read

Q:  Kate, how many times have you moved?
A:  I have moved 20 times in 14 years. 

Q:  Why so many times?
A:  It's a chronic gypsy gene that is passed through my family every 4-5 generations.  What can I say, I got lucky?  As a side note I am looking to create the "Frequent Movers Support Group"

Q:  Kate, doesn't moving pretty much suck?
A:  Not when you're this good at it!

Q:  What is the deal with commuting?
A:  I like to observe the varying amounts of road rage demonstrated by fellow commuters.  If I lived closer to where I worked I'd be robbed of that joy.

Q:  Please explain the "bugs"
A:  Bugs are to me what Kryptonite is to Superman.  Yeah.  That bad.  I've never seen a spider like the ones in the south.  I didn't even know what a cockroach looked like until I moved here.  And I live in the suburbs for crying out loud!

Q:  What are you passionate about?
A:  Moving, Commuting, and Bug Eradication

Q:  Is there anything you fear more than spiders?
A:  Zombies

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